About MeI am a cultural and critical clinical psychologist, and currently a Lecturer in Psychology at Middlesex University. My previous research explored the racialisation of Muslims as a result of statutory counter-terrorism policies in mental health. I have written on Western Muslim identities; Islamophobia; the securitatisation and racism of mental health; and how Muslims are increasingly marginilised through colorblind policies which don't target them explicitly. I teach on the impact of culture, religion, globalisation and security policies on mental health interventions.
The purpose of this site is twofold. First, it will serve as a hub for anyone seeking consultation for their suffering. For more information, please visit the 'online consultation' page above. Second, this site will double as a forum to reflect on our humanity– i.e. the psychological, social, philosophical and spiritual implications of our existence - via periodic articles. Significantly, my articles should not be read as guides towards spiritual or psychological excellence, but rather an exercise in inquisitiveness in the hopes of attaining wisdom, insight and understanding. Note my understanding changes considerably over time, so there's a strong likelihood I may disagree with some things I have written/said in the past. Of course, that's the beauty of learning. If you have any questions, comments or recommendations for either myself or the site, please feel free to submit your thoughts using the submission form found on the consultation page. |